Easter parody: Friday


Thirty-three A.D.; time for the passion
Get Ciaiphas, Get Pontius Pilate
Gotta get a whip, gotta take some lashes.
King of the Jews, my time is coming
A crucifixion, everybody’s yelling
Got a big cross; damn its heavy.
Gotta crown of thorns, where are my friends?

Judas he deceived me
Peter he denied me
Gotta tell my father
I need some new friends.

Good Friday, Friday
Gotta die on Good Friday
Everybody’s watching me fall and they’re not helping
Good Friday, Friday
Getting crucified day
Dad better be right about my resurrection.

Suffering, Suffering (Yeah)
Suffering, Suffering (Yeah)
This is not fun
Looking forward to Revelation!

It’s 3 P.M., I’m hanging on the big cross
Nails through my hands, and why did they stab me.
Son, Son, I am his son
You know he won’t like this.
Jesus Christ, Son of God
A thief is by my right side
Oh screw this, I am pissed
And now you’ll know it!

Darkness when it’s still day
Lightning cause I’m angry
Bet you didn’t think that
I was serious.

Good Friday, Friday
Gotta eat fish on Friday
Everybody’s sorry and now they’re Christians.
Good Friday, Friday
I just died on Friday
Everybody’s looking forward to Easter Sunday.

Rising up, Rising up (Yeah)
Rising up, Rising up (Yeah)
In just three days
Who the hell is the Easter Bunny?

Yesterday we feasted
Today is Good Friday
I.I.I so crucified
I so crucified
I just saved you all today

Tomorrow I’m in a cave
Then Easter comes afterwards
I just want Sunday to come!

JC Jesus Christ
Just hanging in Jerusalem
In robes of white.
Dude can walk on water
Then change it into wine
How you gonna kill a man so divine
But he tricked you son, he’s on the rise.
And you are in for a big surprise
Get down on your knees and start to pray
Cause J.C. is coming back in 3 days
Resurrection, son.

Good Friday, Friday
Gotta eat fish on Friday
Everybody’s sorry and now they’re Christians
Good Friday, Friday
I just died on Friday
Everybody’s looking forward to Easter Sunday.

Rising up, Rising up (Yeah)
Rising up, Rising up (Yeah)
In just three days
Who the hell is the Easter Bunny?


Chinese ghost cities

Planned economy ftw I guess…

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Vast new cities are being built across China at a rate of ten a year, but they remain almost completely uninhabited ghost towns. Racing to stay ahead of the world economy, is the superpower about to implode?
“There are around 64 million empty apartments in China,” claims analyst Gillem Tulloch. It’s all part of the Chinese government’s efforts to keep its economy booming and there are plenty of people who would love to move in, but the properties are priced out of the market. It’s after 2pm and in the new city of Dongguan shop owner Tian Yu Gao is yet to serve a single customer. “It’s a bit boring,” he sighs. His open shop is a rare sight in the Great Mall: once heralded by the New York Times as proof of China’s astonishing consumer culture, today it is an eerie vista of emptiness. “It can’t stay this way,” insists Tulloch, “when the bubble bursts, it will impoverish vast numbers of people”.