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Unnecessary Censorship: Come and Play Edition
That’s just wrong… :)
Respect and Obey Authority
As if there weren’t yet enough reasons why religion is bad, here’s another one:
This is West Coast Believers Kid’s band called X-TReMe PoWeR. It was our second song and we made up the lyrics and put it all together through garage band. It’s all about respecting and obeying your teachers, your parents, and Jesus! Hope you like this one too!
Respecting your teachers and parents, doesn’t sound too bad – but other than that, it’s hard to find anything that isn’t wrong with this song:
Authorities are here to help you. Do what they say and everything will be okay.
If you listen and obey, success is yours today.
First of all, pray for all, who are in authority.
So that we, can live, in peace and happiness.
Yeah, right. I’m sure Hitler and Goebbels would’ve been proud of them. Just don’t question anything and do as you’re told – it always worked out just fine in the past. And not just for them, for everyone! Now those are just from within the last couple decades – don’t even get me started on the times preceding that…
Damn that looks good
Don’t click this link if you just came back from dinner or have a full stomach for any other reason. Cause there’s just no way you won’t get hungry again within seconds.
Going to prep me some more food… :-/
Which religious book will save you in a holy war?
Finally someone decided to re-visit the popular and much discussed myth of which religion will save you in an upcoming holy war. Namely, by stopping a bullet.
Of course, being an atheist, I’d rather put my faith in science and get myself some Kevlar and a pair of armor inserts. But that’s just me.
Freedom vs. Terrorism
Mad Skills with balls of all sizes
Ok, that sounds kinda wrong… But you gotta admit, his ambidextrous skills are amazing.
That and being able to tie a cherry stem in a knot with his tongue (-> check out his other videos as well) makes him quite the hit with the ladies as well I suppose.