Happy Boobs Make Happy People

Breast video ever…

Music by Half-Handed Cloud, called ‘Celebrating Hearts Aligned’. Yes, there’s music in this video. And it’s actually a commercial for a store specialized  in breast-feeding equipment. Go and shop there if you happen to be located in Belgium, cause awesome ideas need to be rewarded. :)

You don’t know shit…

… or at least everyones habits about cleaning up after taking one. Until you’ve read this hilarious, eye opening thread over at MetaFilter that is.

Seriously, read it. It might take you an hour or so, but taking a dump will never be the same. Sitters vs. Standers, Folders vs. Crumplers, Front to Back and Back to Front, even some Diagonals. And then there’s foot flushing. Hell, the whole discussion is just a huge compilation of wtf-moments about things you’ve never even thought before.

Moneyquote: If you are not bleeding, you are not doing right!

WordPress 3 All in One SEO Pack breakage

If you recently upgraded to WordPress 3 and you’re using their new default Theme together with the famous All in One SEO Pack Plugin, you probably already noticed an annoying little bug: Your blog title is now appearing twice. Kinda defeats the whole SEO thing…

While the bug itself hasn’t been fixed yet, there’s a simple workaround.

Open up functions.php of your TwentyTen theme and go to line 262.
You’ll see a line that looks like

add_filter( 'wp_title', 'twentyten_filter_wp_title', 10, 2 );

Just add two forward slashes in front of it so that it looks like

//add_filter( 'wp_title', 'twentyten_filter_wp_title', 10, 2 );

Everything looks like it’s supposed to and AIOSEOP is back to doing its magic.

Get Portal for free! And OS X as well…

As most of you die-hard Mac users already know, hardly any major game worth playing is available for OS X (except EVE Online maybe). For some odd reason, some at Valve decided to port Steam to OS X and make it available to the “huge” Apple gaming community… Well, whatever…

So why even mention it? Because at the same time, they decided to give Portal away for free! Most likely to get some media attention and give Apple fanboys at least one excuse to install their app. Guess it worked, but who cares – you can get one of the most innovative games of recent years entirely for free. Yeah, even if you’re on Windows.

Portal used to cost money. Until May 24th, it’s free. End of story.

Well, technically speaking, there are some strings attached. Fortunately, they’re entirely decorative. We just like the way they look, swaying in the gentle breeze created by a million people simultanously fainting from shock at the news that Portal is free. Now you have no reason not to try Portal.

“I have a reason,” some of you are probably typing into an angry email. “You see, sir, I own a Mac.”

Well guess what: For the first time ever, Portal is also available for the Mac.

“Capital news! But the excellent puzzle adventure Portal won over 40 Game of the Year awards; Surely it must cost at least five or six hundred dollars.”

You’d think that, especially since it actually won over 70 Game of the Year Awards. But, like we keep saying, Portal is free. Free on the Mac. Free on the PC. But only until May 24th. So you only have a few days to decide if your free copy of Portal is worth the price we’re currently charging – which is you ever-so-slightly moving your index finger just barely enough to click the big red “download” button right there to the left.

Ok, so there’s no big red button here… But it’s right here on their site. And from “inside” their steam client you just have to click on play now and wait till it’s downloaded. Have fun!