Being an addict isn’t easy

But at least there are people out there writing songs about you.


The gun addict song
(to Gloria Gaynor – I Will Survive)

At first I bought a Sig, I was satisfied
kept thinking I would never need another 45
but the I spent a couple weeks thinking about that FNP
I had to buy
each gun I buy give me a high

Impact Guns
and  Davidson
know me by name now that I’ve purchased from them countless guns
I used to have some money saved, but saw the Cold and then I caved
why do I need
another Springfield Armory?
and now I’ve got
5 M&Ps
I’ll find some reason why I need to buy that new carbine
I’ll need an intervention soon
Before the ending of this tune
I’ll probably own
5 weapons from the last gunshow

Bought a Kel-Tec
and bounced a check
my financial security is all but shot to heck
somebody take my credit cards
I’m better armed than Scottland Yard
I’ll buy some more
on Gun Broker

I lost all the strength I had when I saw the Glock
now I’m buying magazines and holsters ’round the clock
pretty soon I’ll justify
the 3 new Kimbers that I’ll buy
I can’t deny
I’m addicted deep inside

Please don’t worry about me
because I’ll be okay
I promise that I’ll stop spending after this AK
just know that later on today
I’ll purchase that new H&K
I’ll find a way
right away

Sushi, in Space!

[vimeo w=640&h=360]

This was shot for a small chain of restaurants called Sticky Rice. They have a long history of doing marketing their own way and we knew they would love this idea. Email [email protected] for more info.

In collaboration with RVA TV and Bark Marketing, Sticky Rice launched a sushi plate of their popular Godzirra roll on January 1st of this year. Six months of planning and testing went into this project as a lot of variables were at play: -60F in space, FAA regulations, overheating or freezing batteries, GPS issues, stabilization, and how to make the damn sushi stay together in high winds.

Our team is hoping for national attention and plan to make a shorter commercial for local air play. We loved the Toshiba ‘Chair in Space’ commercial and it was the basis of this project wondering if it could happen on a shoe-string budget for a small business.

Technically, it was only near-space, but still… Great work guys – now I’m hungry. Mission accomplished.